Read online book SUNY Series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture: Translating China for Western Readers : Reflective, Critical, and Practical Essays (2015, Hardcover) MOBI, PDF, EPUB


Explores the challenges of translating Chinese works for Western readers, particularly premodern texts., This book explores the challenges of translating Chinese works, particularly premodern ones, for a contemporary Western readership. Reacting against the cultural turn in translation studies, contributors return to the origin of translation studies: translation practice. By returning to the time-honored basics of linguistics and hermeneutics, the book inquires into translation practice from the perspective of reading and reading theory. Essays in the first section of the work discuss the nature, function, rationale, criteria, and historical and conceptual values of translation. The second section focuses on the art and craft of translation, offering practical techniques and tips. Finally, the third section conducts critical assessments of translation policy and practice as well as formal and aesthetic issues. Throughout, contributors explore how a translation from the Chinese can read like a text in the Western reader s own language."

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