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Attractors, Bifurcations, and Chaos : Nonlinear Phenomena in Economics DJV, MOBI, DOC


Attractors, Bifurcations, & Chaos - now in its second edition - begins with an introduction to mathematical methods in modern nonlinear dynamics and deals with differential equations. Phenomena such as bifurcations and deterministic chaos are given considerable emphasis, both in the methodological part, and in the second part, containing various applications in economics and in regional science. Coexistence of attractors and the multiplicity of development paths in nonlinear systems are central topics. The applications focus on issues such as business cycles, oligopoly, interregional trade dynamics, and economic development theory., The first part of this book is an introduction to the mathematical methods of modern nonlinear dynamics. It deals with differential equations, ordinary and partial, iterated maps, and bifurcation theory. The second part focuses applications to economics and regional science. Topics such as business cycles, oligopoly, interregional trade, and economic development theory are included. Bifurcation analysis, and studies of the various attractors, with their basins, provide the core, both of the background material and the applications. Coexistence of attractors and multiplicity of development paths are emphasized throughout. The chapters devoted to spatial applications focus the emergence of geographical patterns., The present book relies on various editions of my earlier book "Nonlinear Economic Dynamics," first published in 1989 in the Springer series "Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems," and republished in three more, successively revised and expanded editions, as a Springer monograph, in 1991, 1993, and 1997, and in a Russian translation as "Nelineynaia Economicheskaia Dinamica." The first three editions were focused on applications. The last was differ ent, as it also included some chapters with mathematical background mate rial -ordinary differential equations and iterated maps -so as to make the book self-contained and suitable as a textbook for economics students of dynamical systems. To the same pedagogical purpose, the number of illus trations were expanded. The book published in 2000, with the title "A ttractors, Bifurcations, and Chaos -Nonlinear Phenomena in Economics," was so much changed, that the author felt it reasonable to give it a new title. There were two new math ematics chapters -on partial differential equations, and on bifurcations and catastrophe theory -thus making the mathematical background material fairly complete. The author is happy that this new book did rather well, but he preferred to rewrite it, rather than having just a new print run. Material, stemming from the first versions, was more than ten years old, while nonlinear dynamics has been a fast developing field, so some analyses looked rather old-fashioned and pedestrian. The necessary revision turned out to be rather substantial."

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